HTML and Little Magazines

The lesson in HTML was very intriguing and engaging. It is like learning a new language, and it is certainly intellectually satisfying to be able to gain comprehension and know how to associate the HTML text with the visual component. 

The distinction between periodicals as coming out in accordance with work and leisure times, and little magazines which came out when the editors were satisfied with the amount and quality of artistic content, really highlighted to me that little magazines were among the first artistic magazine publications in society. Nowadays we are familiar with so many artistic mediums, but in the 1890s the public must have perceived them, as mentioned in this course, as experimental and unusual, and many people probably rejected them at first because they were so new and not present in public consciousness. In fact, a connection just occurred to me about how this class being introduced to HTML and the 1890s public being introduced to little magazines are kind of similar.

The Prospectus to Volume 1 of The Yellow Book makes it clear that the editors wanted to produce a well crafted artistic piece and would take great care to make it beautiful and distinguished.