Final Remarks

This last class leaves me thinking a lot about the coterie aspect of magazine publishing and the way that people from multiple disciplines and backgrounds came together to realize a vision communally. Hearing everyone’s presentations reminded me that art movements were usually just a gathering of a small group of people who shared aesthetic and social values and wanted to work together to make these publicly known. This class has been a great opportunity to collaborate and share ideas, but also a way to interact with the idea of the magazine as a storehouse that I was so intrigued by early on. Much like a magazine, this class has become a storehouse of ideas and images and interactions and emotions from a very particular moment in time. Thinking about ephemerality and the marking or tracking of times passing through objects and projects makes me see my own academic work as a transcript of parts of my life on top of the instrumental purposes. If magazine pages can be torn out and hung up on the wall, then papers and presentations and blog posts can also act as souvenirs of different stages, landmarks, and milestones of learning processes. Thanks for a memorable and engaging semester Dr. Janzen!


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